Are YOu ready to quantum leap towards you baby?

Unlock the Power of Conscious Conception

Are you ready to transform your fertility journey and unlock the power of conscious conception? Discover Quantum Conception 21 Day Jumpstart - A 21-day course that empowers you to lean into your fertility journey by learning to communicate with your unborn baby. Say goodbye to emotional roller coasters and negative pregnancy tests, and hello to a fertile, abundant life filled with gratitude and joy. Join us and discover a heart centred approach to conception that could change your life forever.

Struggling with fertility can be a difficult and emotional journey, leaving many women feeling frustrated, anxious, and hopeless. We understand the challenges of this journey and are here to help. Our heart centered program, Quantum Conception 21 Day Jumpstart, offers a tender and expanded approach to fertility that empowers you to take the control out of your journey and allow spirit and the divine to instead lead the way. In the program you will learn to create a strong bond with your future child, and bring heart and consciousness to your reproductive health. Join Quantum Conception and take the first step towards the family of your dreams.

Quantum Conception 21 Day Jumpstart - A 21 day course to allow spirit to guide your fertility journey by learning to communicate with your unborn baby making way for a spirit led conscious conception


A 21-day course that uses science, energy work, magic and spirituality to soften your fertility journey and to deepen your connection to your unborn baby. The program offers expert guidance, daily exercises, and a supportive community, all designed to help women take the control out of their fertility, enhance communication with their future child, and create a spirit-led, conscious conception. Join Quantum Conception today and start the journey towards motherhood with confidence and clarity.

For this program I have teamed up with now retired spirit baby pioneer and author Kate Street. Kate's pioneering book What All Spirit Babies Want Their Mamas To Know is a go to book for women on the conscious conception journey. Kate has offered her ground breaking content which I myself devoured on my own fertility journey, content she created when no one was talking about conscious conception. Kate was truly ahead of her time and I am honoured to bring forth her work to a world of women who are now ready for it.


You can learn how to communicate with your baby. You connect your heart to your womb space which is crucial for a conscious conception.

You circulate fresh energy into your womb to align with the vibration of your baby.

And in perfect divine time, you are pregnant!


  • ​Feel abundant and fertile on the journey whilst at the same time being able to live your best life ​in the process of calling in your baby

  • ​Connect your heart to your womb so that you can open the doorway to communication with your baby ​

  • ​Experience feeling less emptiness and deflation and more excitement and joy because your baby is guiding the wayy

  • ​Go from feeling envious of your friends, sister or relatives who announce their pregnancies​ to living your best life on the conception journey in less than 1 hour per day


You tried looking for ways to get pregnant quickly, but you had no luck because you are meant to be on the journey of pre birth communication because you have signed up to be a higher dimensional mama in this life.

You may have tried everything and feel like your body has failed you because you have not conceived.

You may have even spiralled into depression each month when your moon cycle arrived, a vicious cycle of self loathing and distrust in your body month after month after month.

Quantum Conception 21 Day Jumpstart: Unlock Fertility, Connect with Baby!

  • Trust your fertility is working for you and not against you

  • ​Deepen your communication with your future child and establish a strong bond before birth

  • ​Release negative emotions and limiting beliefs that may be blocking your path to conception

  • ​Experience a more joyful, empowered, and fulfilling journey towards motherhood

  • ​Join a supportive community of like-minded women who are also on their journey towards conscious conception

  • ​Learn powerful tools and techniques that can be used throughout your pregnancy and motherhood journey

Don't Lose Hope: Quantum Conception Gives You a Heart Centred Path To Motherhood

Have you tried controlling your fertility journey, only to be left with heartbreak and disappointment? It's time to let go of control and allow your heart and baby to lead the way.

The constant letdown of negative pregnancy tests can feel like an unbearable weight, leaving you feeling alone and defeated. With Quantum Conception 21 Day Jumpstart, you can finally take the pressure off yourself and allow the divine and your baby to lead the way.

The road to motherhood is a journey unique to every woman, however in the new paradigm of consciousness it is not a journey that can be controlled. If you're ready to let go of your grip and trust your baby and the divine, Quantum Conception 21 Day Jumpstart is the solution you've been searching for.

Feeling frustrated with trying to conceive? There's another way to call in your baby with heart centered openness

What’s the secret?


I am forever grateful to Quantum Conception for the profound impact it had on my journey to motherhood. The guidance and tools provided in the program helped me connect with my spirit baby and ultimately conceive my beautiful child. Thank you so much for this life-changing experience. -

-Emilly B

Quantum Conception 21 Day Jumpstart is more than a fertility course, it's a spiritual journey to motherhood. The program empowers women to connect with their unborn babies and take control of their fertility. You are capable of creating the family you've always dreamed of, and Quantum Conception can show you how



You’ll learn how to know the signs that your baby is communicating with you, so you can learn how to trust your intuition and your baby.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to start opening your eyes to the signs coming from your baby so you can trust that you do have a spirit baby and that your baby is already communicating with you

  • ​How to understand that we live in a realm of limitless possibilities so you can start to relax into the knowing that your baby will come

  • ​How to understand that all spirit babies communicate in different ways and you too can learn the way that your baby is communicating with you


You’ll learn how to , so you can .

  • Understand the energy and communication of your unborn child

  • ​Techniques to connect with your baby and promote a spirit-led conception

  • ​How to raise your energetic vibration to create a healthy and nurturing environment for your baby

  • ​The power of intention and visualization in creating the life you desire for yourself and your child

  • ​How to cultivate a positive mindset and overcome negative thoughts and emotions during the conception process

  • ​The role of intuition in the journey of conscious conception and parenting.

Quantum Conception - A 21-day course that empowers you to lean into your fertility journey by learning to communicate with your unborn baby.





  • Bonus #1: Access to private community of like-minded women

  • ​Bonus #2: Guided meditations for fertility and conscious conception

  • ​​Bonus #3: Access to a library of fertility and pregnancy resources

  • ​Bonus #4:Module on creating a healthy and supportive home environment for your future child

Why Should You Trust Me?


I don't just inspire women to leap into the unknown so that they can consciously begin calling in their Spirit Babies; I have done it. I use this EXACT process for myself and my clients to help them communicate with their baby so that they can get pregnant. I am NOT just repeating what every other person who talks about and creates programs for conscious conception says.


I'm not JUST a Quantum Createress I've been communicating with spirit babies for 12 years and I've been developing my skills year after year. After spending my youth with no idea of my calling, it was a severe illness in 2012 that took me years to recover from that was the catalyst to remembering why I had come to the planet. Through the process of regaining my health I slowly began to unravel the information I had known as a child; I came to the planet to serve in the awakening of humanity. During this time of awakening I was calling in my baby who did not arrive month after month and then year after year. After 8 long years I conceived my miracle baby and the wait was the best thing that ever happened to me because in the process I learned how to communicate with spirit babies. I GET IT.


I've helped New Earth Mamas to live a fertile and abundant life on the journey, to get off the emotional roller coaster of depression every time their monthly bleed arrives, and be happy on the journey and so grateful that their baby led them on this path. And I’ve helped hundreds of future mama bears avoid spending time and money and still not getting pregnant, women just like you who have tried so many things to get pregnant. I am a pioneer of working with babies in the quantum field.


"Quantum Conception has been life-changing. After struggling with fertility for years, I was hesitant to try yet another program. But within just a few weeks, I felt more connected to my body and my baby than ever before. And now, I'm thrilled to say that I'm finally pregnant. Thank you, Quantum Conception!"

-Sarah M

This is Right For You If You Are...

  • Ready to open your spirit to limitless possibilities to finally get to live a fertile and abundant life on the journey

  • ​Ready to STOP doing looking for ways to make it happen quickly ( pregnancy) and start getting to live a fertile and abundant life on the journey

  • Willing to connect your heart to your womb space to finally get to get off the emotional roller coaster of depression every time your monthly bleed arrives

  • ​Willing to start noticing the daily synchronistic signs that are coming from your baby so you can be happy on the journey and so grateful that your baby led you on this path

Not right for you if you are…

  • Not prepared to open your spirit to limitless possibilities to finally get to live a fertile and abundant life on the journey

  • ​Unwilling to let go of all the rules and the dogma around getting pregnant and prefer to desperately follow every fertility expert on the internet trying the next new fad

  • Tied to punishing yourself for eating chocolate, drinking wine and not doing everything right, even though all the experts tell you if only you did this one thing it will work

  • ​Deadset on falling into a spiral of depression every month when your moon cycle arrives. ​Quantum Conception 21 Day Jumpstart - A 21 day course to supercharge your fertility & your ability to communicate with your unborn baby making way for a spirit led conscious conception is NOT for you

Hi, I’m Belle Tozer

I’m a Quantum Createress who helps women who want to consciously call in their baby. I teach women how to communicate with the soul of her unborn child.

A severe illness in 2012 took me years to recover from sent me on a path of deep discovery, a time of remembering why I had come to the planet.

Through the process of regaining my health I slowly began to unravel the information I had known as a child; I came to the planet to serve in the awakening of humanity.

During this time of healing and awakening I was calling in my baby who did not arrive month after month and then year after year.

After 8 long years I conceived my miracle baby and the wait was the best thing that ever happened to me because in the process I learned how to communicate with spirit babies.

Since then I have helped countless women to conceive their baby even when all odds were against them.

And I can help you do the same.


Copyright 2023


I know how hard it can be to commit to practicing listening to your baby with the ears of your heart. That's why I designed Quantum Conception - A 21 day course to open your heart and soften your fertility by learning to communicate with your unborn baby making way for a spirit led conscious conception. I invite you to step into multidimensional consciousness and to see the magic that is all around you so that you can prepare yourself to parent a quantum star baby.

Frequently Asked Questions


What if everyone thinks I am crazy?


I created Quantum Conception 21 Day Jumpstart so you don’t have to wonder if you have a spirit baby. I’ll show you exactly how to open up the channels of communication , so you can communicate with your baby and trust your body and the divine.


When do I get access to How to Have Kick Ass Pre - Birth Communication, Conception, Multidimensional Consciousness and Meet Your Baby In The Quantum Field.


You will receive an email , giving you the link to access to all of the content inside of this course. If for some reason you don't review it, check your spam folder, or contact me at

[email protected]


What if I just can't do it on my own?


I offer 1-1 Spirit Baby Readings and Mentor Sessions. Please contact me at [email protected] for more information.


If I'm currently single, can I still benefit from the Quantum Conception program?


Yes, absolutely! Many women feel a deep spiritual connection with their future child even before finding a partner. The Quantum Conception program can help you tap into that connection, supercharge your fertility, and communicate with your unborn child in a powerful way.


Can I participate in the exercises of this course even if I don't have much experience with spiritual practices?


Yes, absolutely. The Quantum Conception course is designed to be inclusive and supportive of all individuals, regardless of their spiritual background or beliefs. It's not uncommon for people to underestimate or overlook their spiritual experiences, but that doesn't mean they aren't present. This course is tailored to help you discover and enhance your connection to the spiritual realm, no matter how you experience it.